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How These 12 Unique Ingredients Can Destroy Your Challenging Joint Pain

Joint pain can be debilitating. Whether it causes aches in your knees or leaves your wrist throbbing, tricky joints are a problem that many people suffer from daily. It can seem impossible to wade through the endless information on the internet to determine what is the best natural remedy to ease your discomfort.

But there’s no need to worry anymore. We’ve put together this list of 12 unique ingredients that are used around the world to heal joint pain:

12 Ingredients That Help You Wave Goodbye to Joint Pain

1. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane

Don’t let the complicated name scare you. Methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM) is an “organosulfur compound,” which simply means that it is a molecule containing organic elements like oxygen, sulfur, and carbon. It turns out MSM is also the key to reducing inflammation and joint pain through its anti-inflammatory properties.

2. White Willow Bark

White willow bark, sourced from willow trees, is often referred to as “nature’s aspirin.” This is because it contains the pain fighting agent ‘salicin.’ You’ll find these unassuming willow trees growing in locations such as Northern Asia, where it has long been used medicinally. It actually inspired the creation of the chemical that forms aspirin.

3. Eucommia Bark

Though the eucommia tree has lush green leaves, it is the bark that contains all of the potency. Bone and muscle strengthening is a common use for this popular Korean extract.

4. Chaff Flower

The chaff flower is actually classified as an herb. You may not be familiar with it, but it’s commonly used in traditional Korean healing.

5. Litsea Japonica

Even if you haven’t heard of litsea japonica, you’re likely intimately familiar with its cousin the bay laurel (where bay leaves come from). The fruit of the litsea japonica tree acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

6. Green-lipped Mussel

Did you know green-lipped mussels are native to New Zealand? They have a distinctive appearance compared to other types of mussels. They have a dark brown shell with the notable green lip around their opening. Besides an interesting appearance, green-lipped mussels have joint health potency when taken as a supplement.

7. Angelica Root

Also called “wild celery,” angelica root is a sweet-scented edible plant that can ease joint discomfort and many other maladies. This root contains the aromatic compounds ‘terpenes,’ that provide herbal flavor.

8. Scutellaria Baicalensis Root

Scutellaria baicalensis is also known as Chinese skullcap. The name sounds a bit scary, but scutellaria baicalensis actually grows as a delicate burst of purple flowers. Beat back inflammation with this medicinal herb found in many Asian countries.

9. Siberian Ginseng

This is a unique type of ginseng that grows wild in coniferous mountain forests. It is also an adaptogen that gives your body the vitality to combat the stress and strain of daily living.

10. Turmeric

When you make Asian or Indian cuisine, you’ll find yourself reaching for this delicious yellow-hued spice. It is both tasty and healthy, as it contains the antioxidant curcumin.

11. Shark Cartilage

Shark cartilage is exactly what it sounds like! It might surprise you that this is a healing agent capable of chipping away at joint pain.

12. Safflower Seed

Safflower seed is commonly found as an oil and powder. It’s best known for heart and full-body healthy fatty acids that make it a strong anti-inflammatory. Where can you find a natural supplement that combines all 12 of these ingredients? Our product, Sejong Joint OK Formula, combines each item in one classic formulation. Learn more here.


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“또 다른 10년, 고객 건강만 생각”(아틀란타 중앙일보)

세종바이오텍 애틀랜타 10주년
코로나 이후 면역력 제품 문의

애틀랜타 한인들의 건강 증진을 위해 노력해 온 세종 바이오텍 애틀랜타지사(지사장 박종호)가 설립 10주년을 맞았다.

이 회사의 박종호 지사장은 “지사가 문을 연 지 벌써 10주년을 맞았다”며 “10년 이상 한 지역에서 서비스할 수 있었던 이유는 세종 바이오텍 제품에 대한 고객들의 신뢰가 있었기 때문”이라고 설명했다. 

박 지사장에 따르면 세종 바이오텍은 ‘허락하신 자연으로 인간을 생각한다’는 모토로 100세 시대를 맞아 면역력 증진과 혈관건강을 위한 여러 제품을 선보이고 있다. 

▶혈관 청소와 혈당 조절에 뛰어난 세종 송보감 ▶항암효과와 체질개선에 좋은 후코이단 ▶방광염, 전립선, 소변관리에 좋은 세종 요로청보감, ▶치매예방, 기억력 개선효과가 있는 세종 뇌보감 ▶관절통증에 좋은 관절보감, 위장장애 효과가 있는 속편환 ▶여성들을 위한 퍼스트레이디 ▶기력회복에 좋은 효삼정 등 미주 한인들의 건강에 꼭 필요한 상품군을 구축하고 있다. 

최근 코로나19 여파로 면역력 증진에 대한 관심이 커지면서 세종 후코이단과 송보감에 대한 문의도 많아졌다고 박 지사장은 설명했다. 

박종호 지사장은 “모든 제품은 품질이 우수한 건강기능식품을 제조하는 데에 필요한 요건을 갖춘 ‘우수건강기능식품제조기준’(Good Manufacturing Practice) 인증 시설에서 만들어져서 더욱 믿을 수 있다”고 말했다. 이어 “지난 10년을 한 자리에서 지켜왔듯이 또다른 10년을 한인사회의 건강증진을 위해 더욱 노력하겠다”고 덧붙였다.

▶문의= 678-770-3055
▶웹사이트= www.sejongbiotech.us 


세종바이오텍 여름 특별사은행사(홈페이지 쇼핑고객)

2020 여름, 건강하게 보내기 캠페인으로 세종송보감, 세종관절보감, 고려효삼정, 세종속편환 4개 제품에 대해 특별한 사은행사를 실시한다. 혈관건강 세종송보감, 관절건강 세종관절보감은 바이2 겟1프리로, 세종속편환(분말)과 고려효삼정은 20% 가격할인의 헤택을 드립니다고 한다. 구입을 원하시는 분은 세종바이오텍 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.